Senin, 08 November 2010

candle light

3rd years ago, I'll always sad on my birthday. I don't know what happen in my birthday. In the middle of night, I woke up. Saw my window in front of me. and I move to took the candle light. I bought it when I went to Bali. with deep I saw candle light. always. in my birthday

someday, for the first time, I liked someone. he's older than me. at the moment, he's school at SHS. and I school at JHS. trustly, I was very very wrong that I liked him. because he had a girlfriend. while he had it, but I do not to think to destroyed his relationship. I stiil to keep. until I had a problem with him. I asked to him "why you left me suddenly? I had something wrong with you and ur gf? what?"
and he said "nothing. you're my best little 'sister' that I have. so adult. and always think about present. thanks I met you may," response him to me at the momment.
he leave me after he said it to me :(
I thought that he still remember my birthday. because he's my best 'brother' and someday he said to me
"I'll be first human to say happy birthday to you! I promise"
but in my birthday, he not sent anything to me. I woke up in middlie of night. I was cry, I took my candle light, lighting candle in my bed room. then I pray to God
"God, why he not sent anything to me? just to said happy birthday?! God, saw my handphone. he's sent anything! he's gave me a lie! what can I do now?" and I said again,"God, gave me beloved have a kind, always love me forever :("
next, I blow the light. and I asleep 

okey, God heard my pray. God gave me bf. he's very well, very kind, very cool. but, in my birthday. he.s not gave me gift or greeting about my birthday. because, me and my bf had a problem. very2 big problem. and soon I must to studied to final exam or nasional exam jhs for my graduation. very2 big problem. honestly, I was stress to complete my problem. I took my candle light and pray to God, "God, what can I do for my problem? I will give up, God"
 and my pray was granted. 

in the same at my birthday. my bf just gave me radio doraemon. it's okay, but I want to recvied his felt about my birthday, but his didnt to do that. hoam --"
one more, I saw my candle light. then I tight hug my candle more again, I saw w/ deep my candle light. when I get a problem in my birthday. I will to see my candle light.certainly

what can I do next year? will I have a same moment in my birthday??  

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

tentang hari ini

sekarang tanggal 28, tapi tanggal 27 kemaren, hari anniv gue sama my booooy ---> damar iyaa skrng udah 2 tahun 3 bulan, tadinya sih mau jalan hari jumat kmaren, tapi gue ga bisa karena gue ada acara bukber osis, jadinya hari ini deeh.

gue sendiri ga nyangka bisa selama ini, jujur itu tuh sampe 2 tahun lebih ga berasa, mungkin let it flow aja kali ya, yaaaah tapi ga jaminan ah kalo pacaran tahunan itu bakalan pudar atau gimana, itu kan tergantung sama individu masing2, tapi kalo gue dia itu bikin gue berwarna nihh unyuuuuuuuuuu -.-

makanya, gue ngerasa udah nemuin deh sama orang yang gue mau yaitu dia hihihihihihihi


Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

sabtu -_-

eaea blog gue yang kmaren udah lamaaaaaa banget ga gue buka, sampe2 gue lupa sama nama blognya sendiri, pass nya email nya dan bla bla nya. yasudah saya bikin baru ajalah -_- blognya aja pas kls 8 smp. skrng aja kls 11sma esese

oke gue mulai ya, hari ini, sabtu tanggal 21 agustus tahun 2010 (lengkapnyoo) adalah hari ke-11 kita berpuasa, alhamdulilah di bulan puasa ini berasaaa banget puasanya. berasa cobaanya. masa gue pernah nonton salah satu film ya, disitu pemainnya ngomong

a: jangan pernah menganggap smua yang terjadi di bulan puasa itu sebagai hukuman
b: looh emang kenapa?
a: bagi orang yang ga beriman, ini smua di bilang hukuman, kalo orang yang beriman itu, ini smua di bilang cobaan
b: jadi?
a: ya nilainya beda laaah -__- kalo sbagai cobaan,kalo situ bisa melaluinya, pasti lo mendapat pahal 2xlipat cuy

naaaaaaaaah makanya, jangan berpikir satu masalah yang lo punya sebagai hukuman, tapi sebagai cobaan okeoke? (ustajaaaaah bener ya gue haha) itu katanya menambah nilai puasa kita mihihi

nah hubungannya ama sabtu itu apa? iya nih, sabtu kenapa ya hawanya beda? ada yang tau? soalnya tiap sabtu itu rasanya tuh bawaannya pgn bengoong gtu, sambil melihat ke jendela (alah jedeer) enggak mksd gue sabtu jarang loh hati gue seneng layaknya kaya hari jumat gtu, agaknya sabtu saya sih kelabu2 gtu (curcol)

kenapa ya? sabtu hawanya begini? hooaah -_-